

Two years later I'm still trying to go to Momofuku Ko. Trying to get a reservation is a bitch and I refuse to settle on eating there for lunch.....until today! As many of you know Jews + Christmas = Chinese (Chinese food that is). I'm not trying to go to my local take out spot this year, I'm trying to go to Momofuku Ko. Instead of studying for my finals, I was surfing the web when I found the Christmas menu for Ma Peche. While I hear amazing things about this place, I'm all into the exclusiveness of Ko. I logged into my Momofuku account and searched for Christmas dinner. Obviously there was nothing. I then went back and searched for lunch and BOOM, there's two openings at Ko on Christmas! I immediately text my dad the exciting news and instead of saying BOOK IT! He says, "you're incredible." I'm like yeahhh Dad, I know I'm incredible, but what does that have to do with anything? He replies, "that's what you do on a Saturday afternoon?".... UHM NO!? This is what I do when I'm studying for finals! What I'm trying to say here is that I should have secretly booked it and surprised him. My dad also has been dying to go here... the guy was off his rocker today. I'm sure the reservations are now gone and some Jew foodies out there definitely shit their pants out of excitement that they now have a Ko reservation on Christmas. Looks like I'm having chicken and broccoli this year - great.

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