
liege-in it

Dedication. Some people have it others don't. Personally, my dedication, especially for food, is pretty solid. I won't let anything get in my way when it comes to food, not even food poisoning...The night before flying to Belgium I came down with a horrible case of food poisoning....fucking Barcelona food. Eating and drinking was unacceptable for me. It just was not possibility and I thought my life was over. How was I going to enjoy my mussels and liege waffles if I couldn't even keep water down?
After landing and taking the longest nap of my life I made my way out on the streets of Brussels. I was on a hunt and I wasn't letting my illness get in my way. I walked up to one of the store fronts selling these waffles. The smell, unreal...the taste, even better! Two bites in I could feel this was a bad idea, but it was just too damn good.
Unfortunately, eating that waffle was a bad idea. I clearly was not over my food poisoning and I found this out while out for my birthday dinner with my friends. One sip of my potato leek soup and I was done. The rest of the dinner consisted of me eating ice. There was one upside of the meal - I got my own bday sparkler!!
After those few days of hell I was back in action! 

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